Yesterday I spent the day coming up with a new logo for Umbrella Duck: the old one you see below was just something I slapped together, to concentrate on the actual project itself + the myriad of other projects thrown at me during the semester. I'm still nowhere near a scanner, but I'm thinking about making the following logos below in something like MS Paint, to play with colors later. I might look up a free vector program later, since vectors are always cleaner and easier to play with than ragged pixels.
The old title screen you can see in my final project last semester.
The new one I'm considering: I'll be using the pen tool to make this into a vector image. All those weird transforming feathers are going to give me carpal tunnel syndrome.
Here you can see me playing with the look of the actual title name itself. Yes, I am crazy and am going to basically make my own font. In my last pseudo-animation (which you can see below) I basically drew out half the words with the pen tool, then rushed and typed everything else in some font. All the words I painstakingly drew look infinitely better than the weird bulb-ended font I used. I have no idea why I didn't use some similar looking font instead. I'll probably use the boring last one.
The first 'animation'-y thing I made during my stay here at Georgia Tech. It was made in two weeks, when I was a naive, chipper Freshman, all excited and ready to make a name for herself. I was able to do multiple all-nighters in a row with that green Freshman energy to finish it. :sigh: If only I had the energy to do that now.
Here is a photo of all the different variations I went through to come up with the final three designs: I am showing it to you to make you feel bad about all the hard work I put in just for the name and make you feel obligated to follow this blog and comment about my heroic efforts and spread the final animation upon its completion, making it viral. Lol, no, I'm just joking... though I would appreciate a comment or two ;)
The logo of my little animation studio-thing. I mean, this isn't really a studio or anything, but it's nice to mark everything you make with an identifier and stuff. Yeah... Lol, I think it's clever. Look, the name makes the shape of a Fish and a Wishing star, har har... See the tail-fin, it looks like a star! (feels smart)
Old character design... I don't think redesigning the little boy will help eliminate his ambiguous-gender-problems. I think it all has to do with the poses. I mean, if you look at little boys and little girls (in a not-creepy way), and you pretended they all had short hair, you'll notice they all look fairly similar, structure-wise, to each other. I remember the professor demonstrating the boy's er, femininity, in the pose when he's looking behind him (lol, I don't think I'll ever forget that...). Uh, so to fix the problem I'll have to watch more little boys and look up videos of them, to make more realistic boy-like poses. Lol, the things I have to look up...
Everyone swears I have an unhealthy obsession with ducks, because I practice quacking (for the voice-acting) all the time, and have dozens of duck-photos and videos on my harddrive. For obvious reasons, I keep my people-reference photo nestled deep within numerous folders... Soon I'll be looking up swords and spears and other weapons! In the future, I'll probably have to look up guns and stuff.